Sales and Marketing Consulting

Sales and Marketing Consulting

Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something!

Need to sell and hate it? Like it or not, for you and your company to succeed, somebody must sell something. And in small and medium sized businesses, that somebody is probably YOU!

The Good News is that selling is a SKILL… it’s not a function of personality type or luck or lying.. It is an honest skill that can be learned and practiced and mastered… and that’s where we come in.

For years, we have helped system techies and CPAs and executives and skilled tradesmen learn how to sell or how to improve their existing skills.

Spending lots of marketing money and not getting results? We believe that the purpose of marketing and advertising
is to SELL something. Ads that are really clever…or creative…or
funny may win advertising awards…but they often don’t sell very much.
Now don’t get me wrong. There is certainly a place for “clever ads”; but
most of my clients are more interested in good “Revenues” than
in good “Reviews”.

Good sales progams …programs that sell… that are proven, tested, inexpensive, and deadly effective.
That’s what we believe in and that’s why we can help you …

  • Identify new customer groups,
  • Plan and implement sales programs THAT WORK,
  • Train your sales staff to generate higher revenues, or
  • Dramatically increase your company’s sales.

So give us a call…let us help you SELL something!

Interested? Call for a FREE consultation and Proposal…

336 552-0548 or